
All Humidifiers perform the same functionality, to increase humidity in the air inside your home that has been lost in the winter time due to air infiltration.
Bypass Humidifier:
This is the most simple of humidifiers that uses a wet water panel pad and airflow that bypasses from the supply to return blowing over the pad to increase the humidity in the home. This style is the most economical to install and maintain.
Read more about Bypass Humidifiers.
Power Humidifier:
This humidifier is also a simple design but adds a fan to circulate the air that is in the supply or return thru the wet water panel pad without the need for a bypass duct.
Read more about Power Humidifiers.
Steam Humidifier:
This Humidifier is the most advanced and expensive design. This humidifier requires the water to be filtered with special filters to prevent scale in the humidifier. It also requires its own power source due to the electric heater that turns the water to steam. Steam humidification is the most powerful option.
The down side of Steam humidification is the upfront cost, cost of operation and the higher expense of regular maintenance and repairs.
Read more about Steam Humidifier Units.
If you would like to know more about what would work best in your home, please contact us for a personal Comfort consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.